Tutorial7:  Calling a RESTful Web Service


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The following documentation is available for REST Web Services:




Within Ebase Xi, there are 2 different ways of calling a RESTful Web Service. They both achieve the same result(s).

  1. Using a Javascript script to build the request, call the RESTful Web Service and extract the response body. The required information is then extracted from the response body using javascript script.
  2. Calling an Ebase REST Web Service Resource. This will automatically build the request from form fields, call the RESTful Web Service and extract the response body into a form field. As before, required information is then extracted from the response body form field using javascript script.


Advantages and disadvantages:


This page is a tutorial designed to provide a quick introduction to using REST Web Service API calls and REST Web Service resources. This is recommended as the place to start learning about REST Web Services.



Part 1 - A simple REST Web Service API call

Part 2 - A REST Web Service call using an Ebase REST Web Service Resource


Part 1 - A REST Web Service API call


This tutorial works with a Spotify REST web service.  Please see https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/search-item/ for details.



Step 1. Start with the Ebase Xi Designer running.

a.      If the Tutorials project doesn’t already exist, create it by right clicking in the tree panel and selecting New > Project, then link the new project to the ebaseSamples project (right click on the project name, then select Properties).

b.      Create a new folder for the tutorial: right click on the Tutorials project and select New > Folder, name the folder Tutorial7.



Step 2. Create a new form

a.      Right click on the Tutorial7 folder in the tree panel, enter New > Form and name the form SpotifyArtists_API.

b.      In the Fields View, click the New field icon . Add 2 fields called searchBox and responseBody

Change the Label text of field searchBox to Search for Artist.

Change properties of field responseBody as follows:  Max. length: 100000, Display type: Text Area, Display Length: 100, Number of rows: 50, Label text: Response.

c.      Drag a Panel Control from the Palette View to the top of the page and give it a Layout Type of FieldGrid. Style this panel and give it a solid border of 1 pixel, color #DDDDDD.

d.      Drag fields searchBox and responseBody and drop them inside the Panel.

e.      Drag a Button Control from the Palette View below the searchBox field control. Set the button text to Call Spotify Rest API. Also uncheck the New line checkbox of this button so it appears to the right of the Search field.


The page should look something like this:



f.       Right click on the button, select Events and click the Create new script icon .  Name the new script SpotifyArtists_API_call

g.      Add the following lines of code to the script.


Script SpotifyArtists_API_call:


// As specified in https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/search-item/, this Rest web service has 2 Required Query parameters:

// q      The search query's keywords, for example q=ABBA

// type   Valid types are: album, artist, playlist, and track - We are using artist in this tutorial


// Create an object which will contain the parameters

var parms = {};

parms.q = fields.searchBox.value;

parms.type = "artist";


var resultObject;


// Call the get method of the Rest web service. The response is a JSON-formatted string containing artists matching the search query's keywords.

// The 2nd parameter is where we could pass request headers to the Rest web service, null in this case as we're not passing any headers.


var response = services.rest.get("https://api.spotify.com/v1/search", null, parms);






  // Store the response body in a form field displayed on the page to help us understand the response

  fields.responseBody.value = response.getBody();




          We are storing the response body in a form field and displaying it on the page temporarily. We will hide this later.



Step 3. Run and test the form

Click the Run icon  on the form toolbar to run the form in your local browser. When the form appears in your browser, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest API button to call the web service. 

Note: In order to understand the response, it’s best to enter a string which will not match to too many artists, e.g. Kasabian which will return 3 matches or Mother Kasabian which will return a single match.


Let’s look at the response:





The response contrails a node called artists, which contains nodes: href, items, limit, next, offset, previous and total .



Step 4. Change the form to display the total matches found

a.      Add a field called matches_found to the form, type integer, and drag it under the response field.

b.      Add the following lines of code to the script, after line fields.responseBody.value = response.getBody();


Script SpotifyArtists_API_call:

  // Parse the response body into a JSON object so that we can extract the information we need

  resultObject =  JSON.parse(response.getBody());

  fields.matches_found.value = resultObject.artists.total;



c.      Save the script.

d.      Test the form, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest API button to call the web service. The Matches found field will contain the count of artists whose name contains the query string.



One of the optional parameters in the request is limit. By default this is set to 20 but can be set to a maximum of 50. Value of limit determines the number of artists returned by the web service. If Matches found shows a value > 20, you will only see the 1st 20 matching artists. In order to get the next 20, you need to call the web service again passing it the optional parameter offset. Set this, for example, to 20 to get artists 21 to 40, to 40 to get artists 41 to 60  etc.

This is just for your information. You will not be asked to do this in this tutorial.



Step 5. Change the form to display all the artist names

a.      In the Tables View, click the New table icon . Add a table called Artists with prefix of Artist. Within the same dialog, add a column to the table called name. This will result in column called Artist-name.

b.      Drag this table and drop it below the panel on the page.

c.      Change the table control name to ArtistsTableCtrl.

d.      Within the Tutorial7 folder, create a new script called showArtists, then add the following code to this script.


Script showArtists:

function showArtists(resultObject)


   // clear contents of the table





         // store the items element in variable artists

         var artists = resultObject.artists.items;


         // iterate through the items and for each item insert a row in table Artists and set the name column to the artist name

         for each (artist in artists) {


               tables.Artists.name.value = artist.name;


         // Make the 1st row of the table visible






e.      We need to call this function from the main script, so:

·         Add script showArtists to the form as a shared Function. Form Properties -> Events -> Shared Function -> Add a script containing shared functions -> showArtists

·         Add the following to scipt SpotifyArtists_API_call, after line fields.matches_found.value = resultObject.artists.total;


Script SpotifyArtists_API_call:

  // call the function to populate the artists table



f.       Save the script.

g.      Test the form, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest API button to call the web service. For search string of Kasabian, the bottom part of the browser should look like this.




Step 6. Change the form to include an image url for each artist

The response contains several images for each artist, the last image for each artist is the smallest one. In this step we add the url for the smallest image for each artist to the corresponding row

a.      Add a column to the table called image. This will result in column called Artist-image. Change the display length of this column to 60.

b.      Drag this new column to the outline view, above the Artist-name column control.

c.      Add the following to script showArtists, inside the for loop and just after line tables.Artists.name.value = artist.name;


Script showArtists:

               // Store the url of the last image for this artist in the image cell of the current row

               if(artist.images.length > 0) {

                     var index = artist.images.length - 1;

                     tables.Artists.image.value = artist.images[index].url;



d.      Save the script.

e.      Test the form, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest API button to call the web service. For search string of Kasabian, the bottom part of the browser should look like this.




Step 7. Change the form to display the actual image for each artist

a.      Delete the Artist-image column from the table, in the Tables view.

b.      From the Table section of the Palette view, drag an Image Column and drop it above the Artist-name column control.

c.      Within the General section of properties of this new column, change the Control name of this column to ArtistImage.

d.      Within script showArtists, replace line tables.Artists.image.value = artist.images[index].url; by the following.


Script showArtists:



e.      Save the script.

f.       Finally make the following cosmetic improvements to the form:

·         Set the Table header to Matching Artists

·         Uncheck the Show column headers checkbox of the table control

·         Hide the responseBody field control

·         Make the entire table Display Only


g.      Test the form, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest API button to call the web service. For search string of Kasabian, the page should look like this.





Part 2 - A REST Web Service call using an Ebase REST Web Service Resource


This tutorial works with the same Spotify REST web service - https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/search-item/ - but this time using an Ebase REST Web Service Resource.


Step 1. Create a REST Web Service Resource


a.      Right click on the Tutorial7 folder in the tree panel, enter New > REST Web Service Resource and name the form SpotifyArtists

b.      In the General section, set:

·         Description to Spotify Resource

·         Target Base URI to https://api.spotify.com


c.      Select the <default> Endpoint and set:

·         Description to Spotify Endpoint search

·         Endpoint URI to /v1/search

·         Leave the Method as GET


The Endpoint Properties section should look like this:



d.      Within the Request section, add 2 Request Query Parameters:

Name      Value

type    artist

q       &&q


The Request section should look like this:



e.      Within the Response section, set:

·         Body to &&response


The Response section should look like this:



f.       Within the Resource fields section, click the Build fields from rest resource icon . This will create the resource fields for any substitutable variables found in any of the REST web service fields.


The Resource fields section should look like this:



g.      Save the SpotifyArtists resource.


Step 2. Create a new form to use the above resource

a.      The new form will look and behave the same as the form we created in Part 1, except it will use the new resource to call the REST web service.

·         Copy and paste form SpotifyArtists_API into folder Tutorial7

·         Click Keep Both when prompted to choose action to take. This will create form SpotifyArtists_API_1

·         Rename form SpotifyArtists_API_1 to SpotifyArtists_Resource

·         Change the button text to Call Spotify Rest Web Service

·         Make the responseBody field control visible (Uncheck the Hidden checkbox)

·         Within the Resources section of the new form, add resource SpotifyArtists to the form

·         Click the Show mappings for resource icon and map Resource fields to form fields as follows:



b.      Right click on the button, select Events, remove the existing script, then click the Create new script icon .  Name the new script SpotifyArtists_Resource_call

c.      Add the following lines of code to the script.


Script SpotifyArtists_Resource _call:


// Call the REST Web Service Resource, which will build the request, call the web service and populate the response



d.      Save the script.


Step 3. Run and test the form

Click the Run icon  on the form toolbar to run the form in your local browser. When the form appears in your browser, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest Web Service button to call the web service. 

The response should look exactly the same as in Step 3 of Part1 for a given search string.



Step 4. Change the form to display the total matches found and populate the Artists table

a.      Add the following lines of code to script SpotifyArtists_Resource _call.


Script SpotifyArtists_Resource _call:


// Parse the response body into a JSON object so that we can extract the information we need

// Note that the resource has already populated field responseBody and we need to parse this into an object

var resultObject =  JSON.parse(fields.responseBody.value);

fields.matches_found.value = resultObject.artists.total;


// call the function to populate the artists table



b.      Save the script.

c.      Hide the responseBody field control.

d.      Test the form, enter any artist of your choice and click the Call Spotify Rest Web Service button to call the web service.


The response should look exactly the same as in Step 7 of Part1 for a given search string.


Comparison of the relevant lines of code


Using the API Call

Using a REST Web Service Resource

var parms = {};

parms.q = fields.searchBox.value;

parms.type = "artist";

var response = services.rest.get("https://api.spotify.com/v1/search", null, parms);

var resultObject =  JSON.parse(response.getBody());


var resultObject =  JSON.parse(fields.responseBody.value);



This completes the tutorial.